Saturday, January 30, 2010

Square Bowls

For several months now, I have enjoyed reading the posts of Nona Kelhofer in her blog "Spinning Madly On". I don't know how I stumbled upon her site but it must have been when I curiously clicked on a link in another potter's blog. Her posting about a workshop she attended and the philosophy of Wabi Sabi, was a breath of fresh air for me during a time when I was being hyper-critical of my work.

But the post of August 2009 where she described and photographed her method of making a square, hand built bowl got me off my pottery wheel and started me playing with ways to make pots using the slab roller I had recently purchased. Even though I started with her directions, the final results were very different which is the beauty of hand crafted work - the same process produces very different results in the hands of another person.

Here are the results of my work. Check out her blog of August 2009 and see the process and read her other postings.